
We offer books published by MultiLit, as well as a carefully curated list of books from children’s publishers, for parents to use at home, and for allied health professionals and educators.

Pamela Allen
Staff Pick
Jane Godwin, Anna Walker
Gregg Dreise
Jasmine Seymour
Emma Chichester Clark
Pamela Allen
Katrina Germein, Judy Watson
Maree McCarthy Yoelu, Samantha Fry
Peter Bently, Helen Oxenbury
Stephen Tucker, Nick Sharratt
Doreen Cronin, Betsy Lewin
Kylie Dunstan
Rod Campbell
Claire Saxby, Tannya Harricks
Deborah Kelly, Lisa Stewart
Sheena Knowles, Rod Clement
Lee Fox, Cathy Wilcox

About our categories

Picture books
Picture books can be used to introduce children to the joy of reading from a very early age. Picture books cover a diverse range of topics, expose children to words and language they might not hear normally in conversation, and teach children how reading works (left to right, top to bottom). In this narrative style, the illustrations work with the text so children can ‘read’ the story for themselves before they understand the individual words and decode the text. They can also be useful vehicles for introducing sensitive subjects or talking about values.

Decodable readers
Designed for children in their first few years of school, these delightful and engaging decodable readers help your child build confidence in decoding skills and reading fluency. Each title includes instructions and pre- and post-reading activities to help parents and caregivers use the books effectively. Titles are numbered based on the difficulty level of each book. They are designed to be read sequentially, allowing children to gain confidence and skills level by level.

High-interest books for older readers
Low-progress readers have typically faced some frustration and disappointment in their reading. But regular (preferably daily) reading practice using both fiction and non-fiction texts is vital for these students to develop their skills and confidence. MultiLit’s new Firecracker Books aim to spark the interest of older students in reading by providing engaging and accessible books at an appropriate level of difficulty.

Academic books
Members of the MultiLit Research Unit (MRU), together with their academic colleagues, publish books that are useful to educators, educational psychologists and other allied health professionals wanting to dive deeper into evidence-based approaches to literacy and behaviour management. Learn more about the MRU.

Other resources
These resources can help parents support their children’s literacy development at home.

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